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James Nicholas

James Nicholas

Course du rhum


































A l'epoque Alain Colas vient de participer a la Transat anglaise sur le Club Mediterranee, un quatre-mats de 72 metres de long.Ancien impresario, il organise la course comme une piece de theatre en cotoyant le moins possible l'eau et les bateaux.Cela est principalement du a l'amelioration des materiaux et des systemes de previsions meteorologiques.Pour motiver les coureurs, les Guadeloupeens sont genereux et offrent la somme enorme de 500 000 Francs de l'epoque pour recompenser les six premiers.Un 60 pieds correspond donc a environ 18,28 m, (50 ft ? 15,24 m; 40 ft ? 12 m).Les rhumiers penchent pour Bordeaux, port emblematique de l'importation du sucre et du rhum.La societe Promovoile est alors constituee le 14 mars 1978 par Michel Etevenon et six autres associes, exploitants de sucreries et de distilleries, afin d'organiser une course transatlantique en solitaire prevue tous les quatre ans et appelee Route du Rhum. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















Route du Rhum ? Wikipedia

course du rhum
Image source: img.over-blog-kiwi.com

I lost two metres off the bowsprit but otherwise the boat has been 100% reliable.He demonstrated great confidence in his boat but showed too a Figaro sailor?s feel for high tempo without going into the red.When I saw a little opening in the weather I really pushed to get clear and that was what allowed me to build this margin, getting into easier weather quickly.Look for the latest information to be posted on the website, with the highlights distributed Monday through Friday in the e-Newsletter.Gavignet’s nearest competitor, Sebastien Destremeau (Alcatraz IT Faceocean), is still some 140 nautical miles from the finish when he crossed the line.But the bad weather really sorted things out.The Frenchman who trained as a naval architect in Southampton and is based in Lorient was overjoyed to have won so convincingly in a competitive fleet.This time there were 21 starters in our class and several of them were potential winners.And of course I did not have to stop (for repairs).Lalou already had experience of the situation (he capsized in 2013) and that really helped, even if getting him off the boat was pretty difficult?

Course du rhum

course du rhum
Image source: mag.monchval.com

. with a North American focus.major sailing news, commentary, opinions, features and dock talk .

Age and treachery wins Route du Rhum >> Scuttlebutt Sailing News

But for those who need your fix of the old Scuttlebutt, you can visit the old site, for a limited time.He has built boats from scratch himself, with his own hands, 40 years ago and has sailed everywhere in the Caribbean and all over the world.In 2014 he relied on a single e-mail each morning and evening.Family members of all ages assembled along the coast from early afternoon to make sure of the best vantage points. ?But although he is old school he loves all of the technology of these boats and loves to listen and learn.A fiercely independent character, Joyon is a solo sailor who is happiest at sea.But it all changed as Gabart limped home on a damaged boat that had suffered the loss of one foil and one rudder.This reduces the previous best time set in 2014 by the French sailor Loick Peyron sailing the same boat as Joyon but under the name Banque Populaire VII. Route du Rhum — Wikipédia.

Outremer 4X and 49, first production boats at La Route du Rhum 2018 - Catamaran Outremer

He managed to save his 9th rank, by attaching his code 0 to the windward bow.Liladhoc, for his first real race, had been very much exposed to the worst. Three days before arrival, it?s his Code D which gave up.He tore and stitched back all of his sails during the first storms Age and treachery wins Route du Rhum.


course du rhum
Image source: media04.adonnante.com

Can they produce something spectacular too.Weather expert Will Harris gives us his analysis of how the final miles of the Class 40 leaders.After fighting their way through several intense depressions over.Banque Populaire brest ocean race Francis Joyon francois gabart Gitana Team IDEC macif Ronan Lucas Sodebo Thomas Coville.Banque Populaire Francis Joyon francois gabart Gitana Team IDEC macif Route du Rhum Sebastien Josse Sodebo Thomas Coville.Wind conditions at the time were reported to be 30 -.Arthur Le Valiant Banque Populaire Gitana Team Hugo Boss Luke Berry Maxi Edmond de Rothschild Route du Rhum Sebastien Josse Yoann Richomme.This week the team named Franck Cammas and Charles Caudrelier.The French sailor has been forced out of the race after sustaining damage to the port bow of his Ultim maxi-trimaran

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Highfield Route du Rhum 2018 OCSport YouTube

course du rhum
Image source: shop.kazaden.com


major sailing news, commentary, opinions, features and dock talk . . . with a North American focus..



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